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- ;Copyright (c) 2000 Konstantin Boldyshev <konst@linuxassembly.org>
- ;
- ;This was an attempt to write string to stdout, but..
- ;BeOS dies silently on such a program -- kernel bug
- ;
- ;to compile:
- ;
- ;nasm -f elf bedie.asm
- ;ld -s -o bedie bedie.o
- section .text
- global _start
- _start:
- push dword msglen ;message length
- push dword msg ;message
- push dword 1 ;stdout
- mov eax,0x03 ;sys_write
- int 0x25
- mov eax,0x3f ;sys_exit
- int 0x25
- msg db "Suicide",0xa
- msglen equ $ - msg